Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design


  • To design is either to formulate a plan for the satisfaction of a specified need or to solve a specific problem.
  • If the plan results in the creation of something having a physical reality, then the product must be functional, safe, reliable, competitive, usable, manufacturable, and marketable
  • Design is an innovative and highly iterative process. 
  • It is also a decision-making Process
  • The engineering designer has to be personally comfortable with a decision-making
  • Design is a communication-intensive activity in which both words and pictures are used, and written and oral forms are employed
  • Engineers have to communicate effectively and work with people of many disciplines
  • A designer’s personal resources of creativeness, communicative ability, and problem solving skill are intertwined with the knowledge of technology and first principles.
  • Engineering tools (such as mathematics, statistics, computers, graphics, and languages) are combined to produce a plan that, when carried out, produces a product that is 
    • functional, safe, reliable, competitive, usable, manufacturable, and marketable, 
    • regardless of who builds it or who uses it.

Mechanical Engineering Design

  • Mechanical engineering design involves all the disciplines of mechanical engineering
    • mechanics of solids and fluids, 
    • mass and momentum transport, 
    • manufacturing processes, and 
    • electrical and information theory.
  • For example, simple journal bearing involves
    • Fluid flow, 
    • heat transfer, 
    • friction, 
    • energy transport, 
    • material selection, 
    • Thermomechanical treatments, 
    • statistical descriptions, 
    • and so on

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